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A social warfare went wrong at the beginning of the 20th century. Allegedly an idea of East to destroy the West world by implementing ideologies to confuse females' purpose in nature.
Among the humans, both sexes are equall, and they do not question their purpose in the nature. Mother nature created male as hunter, protector of tribe - female as reproduction, and maintenance tool in tribe.
- Usual arguments, "you are chauvinist pig... horny pig... you used me".
- Desperately seeking acknowledgement.
- Desperately seeking to prove naturally impossible.
- Appearance signs - vivid colours in hair, nails, short hair, hairy legs, hands or even facial hair due to hormonal changes, and lack of nervous system development in infant stages.
- Very aggressive because their argument list is short
- Suffering from PVS.
- Make-up, jewellery, high heels, and other forms of cybernetics modifications such as piercing, tattoos, breast implants, artificial nails, hair.
- Artificial face, nails, hair, but they always the "right" man.
- Creators of Frauman.